Within 18 months:
- Effectiveness of notice provided for eligible rollover distributions: A 402(f) notice, often referred to as a Special Tax Notice, must be provided to the recipient of a distribution that is eligible for rollover. The notice must contain required language regarding rollover options and the tax implications that may apply. The Government Accountability Office must issue a report to Congress on the effectiveness of these notices.
No later than two (2) years after the date of enactment:
- Retirement Savings Lost and Found: A national online database will be created to help connect former participants who are trying to reach a prior employer with Plan Sponsors who are trying to reach them regarding a remaining account balance.
- Consolidation of defined contribution plan notices: Regulations are to be amended so that the individual notices currently provided to participants by the plan can be consolidated.
Within five (5) years:
- Report on pooled employer plans: The Department of Labor (DOL) Secretary must conduct a study on the new and growing pooled employer plan industry and issue a report within five years. Subsequent reports will be completed every five years after.
This newsletter is intended to provide general information on matters of interest in the area of qualified retirement plans and is distributed with the understanding that the publisher and distributor are not rendering legal, tax or other professional advice. Readers should not act or rely on any information in this newsletter without first seeking the advice of an independent tax advisor such as an attorney or CPA.
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